Creativity is something that many people often take for granted. However, it can be very beneficial for both your personal and professional life. Some hobbies that can help you explore your creativity are drawing, painting, writing, crafting, sculpting, photography, music, cooking. These hobbies give you a way to express yourself through art and creativity, and can help you develop new…
View More Hobbies that help you explore your creativityAuthor: Gemma Howell
How do you feel about your body
Right now… this VERY second… how do you feel about your body? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Are you starving it?… or are you filling it with junk? Are you excited to go swimsuit shopping?… or are you dreading the summer months? I think all women go through phases of loving their bodies and loathing their bodies.…
View More How do you feel about your body7 tips for staying safe during extreme cold weather
Whether it’s an incoming polar vortex, or just an extended cold snap, extreme cold temperatures can chill you to the bone. As the thermometer outside continues to drop, it’s not just important to stay warm – you need to stay safe, too. Protect you and your family this winter by following with these seven tips from Erie Insurance: 1. Only…
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