Many people have asked and really wondered what blue waffle is. Is it a disease? The main reason it is called the blue waffle is that it is said to turn the vagina to the color blue. However, it is interesting because there is no known sexually transmitted disease that turns one’s vagina blue. The condition is an overly exaggerated vaginal infection.
The blue waffle images that first popped on the internet back in 2010 created unnecessarily concerns, although there is no medical proof for the existence of such a condition. Moreover, no legit medical site has hosted the images of blue waffle that normally circulate on the internet. Even the individuals who also claimed to have had this condition are yet to come out publicly and this can only confirm that there were no such people or these images were mere photoshoped.
The condition could be an exaggeration of vaginitis, a vaginal infection that is normally caused by stress, unprotected sex, poor diet, using unclean sex toys, and insufficient lubrication during intercourse. Vaginitis creates discomforts in a woman’s life due to excessive itching, a burning sensation in the vulva and abnormal discharge. The condition can clear on its own but if it persists, antibiotics will be good to clear it faster because it controls the growth of the bacteria.
If you search on the internet, you will find that blue waffle is a condition you get due to too much sex, having too many sexual partners or use of unclean objects for masturbation. The symptoms are vaginal itching, swelling of the vaginal area, painful urination and marked vaginal discharge. However, gynecologists tend to disagree with this piece of information and feel that blue waffle is just a way of marketing by using a catchy phrase to draw people’s attention.
When should you schedule a visit to the doctor?
It is very important for everyone to be proactive in their reproductive health so that it will be easier to know when to consult a doctor. It does not matter even when you are practicing safe sex and good hygiene, you should also make a habit of checking your genitals every now and then just to see if they are having any change.
You should also consider regular doctor visits just to be on the safe side. Most gynecologists recommend one visit per year. If you are feeling any discomforts or have any of the above vaginal infection symptoms, you should plan for a visit to your doctor right away. Even when you are sure you are not suffering from the blue waffle, you should still visit a doctor without procrastinating any further.
Origin of blue waffle disease claims
The original images of the blue waffle infection were first seen on the internet in 2010 and in April 2013, the New Jersey city councilperson, Kathy Mc Bride reported at a city council meeting of an alarming call she had from a constituent that wanted to find out what the city of Trenton was doing in regards to an epidemic condition known as blue waffle.
What she did not know is that April 1st fools prank had taken a toll on her and that she should not have taken the issue seriously. Her concerns were never supposed to be there in the first place. In March 2010, an image of scabbed blue-tinted labia circulated on the internet and it was claimed that it was a type of vaginal infection that was caused by sexually transmitted diseases and it was identified as the blue waffle disease.
This came about because a waffle is a slang name for a vagina and a blue waffle is a slang term to refer to a severe vaginal infection. In other words, blue waffle basically stands for a severe or extremely nasty vaginal infection or sexually transmitted disease. Through a report in women’s health foundation blog, Dr. Amy Whitaker, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology at the University of Chicago hospital, shared very important information about blue waffle disease and the widely circulating image of blue waffle disease.
Dr. Amy, first of all, confirmed that blue waffle disease is not in the medical world and this was a great relief to women. There is no known disease that can cause the vagina to turn blue in color. The doctor also confirmed to have consulted with other doctors and they all believed that there was no truth in that disturbing image if a blue vagina turned by the blue waffle disease.
The only possibility that could lead to a vagina turning blue in color could be from severe bruising maybe from sexual assault although that was yet to be confirmed. The reason it was argued like this is that there is no known sexually transmitted disease that can cause external bruising. Basically, there is no STD or any other condition of the vagina that can have such appearance. Is blue waffle real? Whatever the blue waffle is, one thing for sure is that it is not real at all.
It could be a myth, a hoax, a rumor, a tall tale or anything like that. The doctor said the main reason this information could have spread faster was that most people are not familiar with their reproductive health, some fear sexually transmitted infections and general sexual health leading to a lot of confusion. The doctor also confirmed that most of the symptoms mentioned on the case of blue waffle are similar to the existing sexually transmitted infections and perhaps the reason it is somehow strong to women is maybe due to the society tendency of putting the blame to the women. The society wants to mark people especially women who have multiple partners under scrutiny.
What is confirmed about blue waffle disease?
Blue waffle disease is completely an urban legend and it doesn’t exist at all. Everything you may have heard about someone having it or the way its spread is just rumors and made up stories. Even the disturbing photos you may have come across on the internet are all fake as well. Most of the symptoms that are supposedly associated with blue waffle disease could be the signs of a condition known as vaginitis whose symptoms and causes are discussed above. If you have any symptom of a STD you should seek medical help immediately. Puberty can make the labia to get darker but that is completely normal.
Causes of sexually transmitted diseases
The fact that blue waffle is a myth and non-existence, the symptoms discussed by those who came up with blue waffle disease actually resemble the symptoms of many sexually transmitted diseases. Since the causes and symptoms are similar, then it would be important to know the cause just to be informed about their reproductive health. Below are some of the causes:
- Weak immune system – The main reason why people are prone to various diseases is the weak immune system in their bodies. Since they are unable to respond to foreign attacks. The vagina is prone to different microscopic organisms and parasites and in case of weak immune system you are prone to high risk of getting an infection.
- Stress – Physical and mental anxiety is not good for your health and general body well being. Infection-causing bacteria can take advantage and destroy your body if you are under stress. It is wise and important to engage yourself in activities that keep your body busy and physically fit.
- Poor diet – If you are a poor eater or do not feed your body with a balanced diet, it can influence your general body performance and make you to be prone to infections such as sexually transmitted infections. Vaginitis is a good example since it can be caused due to improper or bad eating habits.
- Body exercise – If you ignore or fail to involve yourself in any physical exercise, you risk your body to infections.
- Practicing unprotected sex – Sexually transmitted diseases can easily be transferred through unprotected sex. Using a condom will not only protect you from unwanted pregnancy but it will also protect you from such infections together with your partner. Sharing of sex toys and having too many sexual partners is another cause of STD.
Prevention of vaginal infections
Now that you know the causes, it would be good to know the preventive measures you can take to protect yourself and your loved one from sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
Faithfulness is very important especially if you practice unprotected sex. If you restrict yourself to just one sexual partner you will be safe. Do not get it wrong, it is not that you are supposed to have only one sexual partner for the rest of your life, what you should ensure is that you avoid multiple partners over the same period of time. Using a condom is a plus and women should also learn to carry them so that they can take charge of their life and reproductive health.
Another important thing would be ensuring that good hygiene is maintained at all times. If you are using a tampon, then ensure you change it often. If you love using sex toys, go ahead but ensure they are clean and dry. This is because parasites and bacteria tend to thrive well in moist conditions and so if you don’t clean your sex toys and let them dry on their own, you will be putting yourself to the dangers of vaginal infections. Finally, maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a well-balanced diet, exercise enough and avoid stress.
Tags: blue waffle disease, blue waffle vagina, blue waffle std, blue waffle infection, what is blue waffle, blue waffle pussy
REALLY one must be aware of the STD mentioned here.. thanks a lot for this amazing article.